Growing plants in an apartment: indoor cultivation with the GrowShop

Growing plants in an  ...

Established in Bordeaux since 2012, the Streetshop Bordeaux team, a boutique specializing in the sale of CBD-based products, is aware of the problems of gardening indoors when you live in the city. Balcony or mini terrace? Even in a shop and even less in a studio, vegetable or pleasure cultivation is not easy when you do n't have a garden. It is to facilitate the cultivation of indoor plants in the city, that Streetshop launches the GrowShop (fr), a store for urban gardening enthusiasts.

Article photos: © StreetShop GrowShop

Semi cultivation  GrowShop

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Cultivate yourself: autonomy and well-being

It is admitted, gardening is a healthy activity, which allows, beyond a (relative) food autonomy or for herbs, to spend a moment doing something related to nature, which provides good to be. In the city, gardening is not easy, unless you have a real square of garden or invert a shared garden. Grow indoors, organic farming is better and to do so, there are now many ethical product lines and environmentally friendly. Because soil- less or hydroponic cultivation cannot be done under the same conditions as in the open fields, this does not mean that it cannot be organic!

Indoor cultivation requires a minimum of equipment to prepare a suitable environment for the plants. Depending on room size, the height available, choose appropriate species and varieties for this, expert advice are welcome.

Grow Shop
Choosing the right plant species
Organic fertilizer for indoor cultivation  Indoor culture lamp
Grow Shop
Choose the right material

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Get started, with tips for indoor growing

To start, why not start with complete kits, with a little essential material, to be renewed a few months later, according to the changing needs of the novice gardener? You need something to accommodate the plants (a grow room), enough to ventilate the space and, if necessary, light and heat (with a horticultural lamp). A quality substrate is an undeniable factor, so do not hesitate to start on quality soil, in line with the needs of the plants chosen. Some like light soils, others rich soils.

Indoor culture also means knowing how to provide the minerals and natural fertilizers necessary for plants at certain key moments in their growth. Boosts, additives and nutrients are easy to use with some good dosage advice. This is not a scientific task, it is just common sense!

Indoor culture
This is the opportunity to grow fun plants...
Substrate  Indoor culture boost
A quality substrate, adapted products and containers
Grow Shop

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Good seeds and quality seeds

To grow, you must first plant! There is no question of investing time, budget and allocating space and energy to indoor gardening, if not to use quality seeds. GrowShop trusts one of the emblems of organic farming, respectful of the environment and biodiversity : Kokopelli. It is an association of distribution and enhancement of organic seeds, free of rights and reproducible, since 1999. That is to say that the seeds are not sterile, you can then replant the seeds found in the fruits, berries or flowers that you are going to plant. It is a means of propagating the living, of refusing the monopoly or the homogenization of certain seeds. Citizen act, committed and strong, using Kokopelli seeds is a choice of the GrowShop!

Kokopelli seeds  Kokopelli seeds
Good seeds for a healthy vegetable garden

Would you also like to start growing indoors? Visit your GrowShop store to simply learn more, see the unique and fun species that are on offer, the cultivation methods, the equipment. For a small herb garden, a mini vegetable garden on a balcony or invest in an indoor courtyard with plants, GrowShop offers all the equipment suitable for Indoor cultivation.

Address stores:

The Alsace Lorraine Growshop
20 Course Alsace Lorraine

The Growshop Cours du Médoc
93 Cours Saint-Louis / 110 Cours du Médoc

GrowShop store

WholesaleShop  GrowShop

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