Party Time

C'est la fête, youpi !! Soirées, festivals, bars sympas et branchés, restaurants animés pour des soirées à s'amuser jusqu'au bout de la nuit ! Lieux d'amusement diurne pour prendre son pied pendant les vacances et revenir avec plein de supers souvenirs. C'est pour ça aussi que vous partez, pour changer d'air et faire le plein d'émotions revigorantes, n'est-ce pas ? 

Selon mes envies festives, regroupe des articles sur des lieux de fête, des endroits où passer un moment dans la bonne humeur, entre copains ou en famille, mais toujours avec une idée bien précise : faire la fête et s'amuser !

9 original ideas for Christmas gifts "Made in Bordeaux"

9 original ideas for Christmas gifts "Made in Bordeaux"
9 original ideas for Christmas gifts "Made in  ...


The holidays are fast approaching. Soon the decorations will sparkle in the towns and villages of Bordeaux. It's time to think about your loved ones and prepare for the Christmas festivities. If ...

Come to see a tidal bore! - a giant wave on a river.

Come to see a tidal bore! - a giant wave on a river.
Come to see a tidal bore! - a giant wave on a  ...


Between June and October, it is the right season to come and witness the tidal bore on the Dordogne and the Garonne Rivers. This wave created by the big tidal range is spectacular, we tell you all ...

Food tour in Bordeaux, for the pleasure of the eyes and taste buds

Food tour in Bordeaux, for the pleasure of the eyes and taste buds
Food tour in Bordeaux, for the pleasure of the ...


My love for the city of Bordeaux and gastronomy in general is unconditional. Looking for an activity to do in Bordeaux, I came across a great concept that brings together 2: A Food Tour in the ...

Nature bike ride north of Bordeaux

Nature bike ride north of Bordeaux
Nature bike ride north of Bordeaux


When we visit Bordeaux, we inevitably walk in the beautiful center but we often forget to visit the places that are nearby. What a shame, it has so many beautiful walks to do... To discover the ...