Come to see a tidal bore! - a giant wave on a river.
Come to see a tidal bore! - a giant wave on a river.
437 m - Vayres
The Tidal Bore is a large wave that forms with the rising tide and goes up the river. It is a rare phenomenon that ...
153 m - Vayres
The Vayres Castle has a beautiful estate on the banks of the Dordogne. It is divided into three parts. Its garden in ...
259 m - Vayres
Discover the charm and authenticity of the Libourne region with our original guided tours. Whether you're a history ...
5,8 km - Libourne
Installed in the building of the town hall built in the 15th century and enlarged at the beginning of the 20th ...
5,8 km - Libourne
The second site of the Museum of Fine Arts in Libourne is the chapel of the former Carmelites of Libourne. Known ...
6,3 km - Libourne
Vayres Castle
63 avenue de Libourne
Château de Vayres
33870 Vayres
Phone : 05 57 84 96 58
Cell : 06 12 13 29 38
44° 53'59.75"N, 0° 18'58.98"W
437 m - Vayres
3,0 km - Arveyres
Weekend & Holidays
5,9 km - Libourne
Rest and relaxation
5,9 km - Libourne
Culture and Heritage
5,9 km - Libourne
Weekend & Holidays
The Roy's Tower dominates the village of Saint-Emilion. This Romanesque keep is a very well preserved vestige of the ...
12,6 km - Saint-Émilion
Robillard Castle is a small manor house in the heart of a beautiful wooded park in the commune of ...
14,9 km - Saint-André-de-Cubzac
Rauzan Castle is a 12th century fortified castle, south of Libourne. Built on an ancient motte castrale, inhabited ...
20,1 km - Rauzan
In the heart of the old city of Bordeaux, the Pey Berland Tower has many tourist attractions. This tower is a Gothic ...
21,7 km - Bordeaux
Malleret Castle is a beautiful neoclassical building in the commune of Cadaujac, north of the Bordeaux conurbation. ...
21,9 km - Cadaujac